Monday, April 27, 2009

Samantha Nicole Burns

written by: Angie Gilchrist

On April 23rd most of us got out of bed and continued on with our daily routine in life..To most of us this day holds no real significance...To us it is just another day..But to the Burns family this is suppose to be a day of celebration of life to a young lady Samantha Burns who should have been turning 26 on this day..Two young men took this day of happiness away from from Samantha and her family forever and changed the lives of many people.

On November 11th 2002 Samantha was last seen by her aunt at 6:30pm at the Huntington Mall in WV. Samantha was carjacked by two escapees, Chadrick Fulks and Brandon Basham. She was raped and then murdered by these two evil spawns and discarded like she was a piece of trash. Basham and Fulks burned her car and headed south on a multi-state crime spree..On November 12th Samantha's car was found in Wayne county burned..Many searches for samantha have been done and turned up empty..Still no Samantha even now after almost seven years.

Recent searches were done for Samantha back in March of this year 2009 by Monica Caison and her organization CUE but those searches to turned up fruitless.

A beautiful young lady of 19, a student at Marshall University, her whole life ahead of her tragically taken all because two evil men somehow managed to escape a detention center with sheets and blankets through an unfinished fence.

These two men, Fulks and Basham, were sentenced to life in prision for carjacking and the death of Samantha. But they remain on deathrow for the carjacking and death of another woman named Alice Donovan from Horry County, South Carolina.

As I am sure that John and Kandi Burns have accepted the loss of their daughter Samantha. But to not be able to go to her grave site on her birthday and lay flowers in remembrance of their daughter's birthday and know that she is layed to rest properly is probably something that they struggle with every year. I know I do.

Samantha Burns is sadly missed by many people that did not know her. And she has touched the lives of many strangers..

Happy Birthday Samantha and one day I hope that you are found and layed to rest the way you so rightfully deserve to be..

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