Due to the fact that we had so many occurances in April, we decided to combine two missing persons to honor this Monday. Jason Scott Adkins would have celebrated his birthday on April 1 and Dr. Jarrett Burton has been missing since April 4, 2007. We would like to pay tribute to both of these men in hopes that someone, somewhere will see their pictures and information and come forth to their families.
Jason Scott Adkins
Jason Scott Adkins was fishing on the Ohio River with his brother on Jan. 17, 1999 when the boat he was in had engine failure. Around this same time frame, a barge passing by caused a series of large waves in the river where the men were fishing, and caused the boat to capsize. Only one of the brothers inside the boat with Jason Scott Adkins made it out of the boat and went to call for help.
As search and rescue crews arrived, they reported it appeared as if someone had exited the water in a certain area that was different from where the sole survivor would've left the wreckage. Police asked the family was it a possibility that Jason Scott Adkins could've faked his death because he owed back child support. Both his estranged wife and family do not believe Jason Scott Adkins faked his death that fateful day because he only was $200 behind on child support. There has also never been any trace of Jason Scott Adkins' body if he did indeed perish in the boating accident.
His family is turning to the public for answers in helping solve this mystery surrounding Jason's disappearance.
If you have any information regarding the whereabouts or disappearance of Jason Scott Adkins, you are asked to please contact the Huntington Police Department @
You may also contact the family directly by emailing them @ JasonScottAdkins@Yahoo.Com.
You may remain anonymous if needed. Please help us find out what happened to Jason Scott Adkins that fateful day.
Full Name: Jason Scott Adkins

Age: 23
Height: 5'9
Weight: 160-170 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Birthdate: April 1, 1975
Missing From: Huntington WV
Case #: 99-0614
NCIC# M-184143434
Date of Disappearance: Jan. 17, 1999
Last Seen Wearing: A brown leather jacket, coveralls, blue jeans and Nike tennis shoes
Dr Jarrett BurtonMissing Since: April 4, 2007 from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Classification: Endangered Missing Date Of Birth: November 21, 1948 Age: 58 Height: 6'0" Weight: 190 lbs Hair Color: Gray (Salt and Pepper) Eye Color: Brown Race: Black Gender: Male Distinguishing Characteristics: Scar at base of throat,
scar on right pointer finger, freckle on nose,
previously fractured left arm. Glasses with wire frames Medical Conditions: Bipolar and suffers from manic depression Clothing: Light colored ripped dress shirt, beige dress
pants, black shoes.Case Number: 20071412 NCIC Number: M-186444159 . According to reports, Dr. Burton suffered from bi-polar disorder and had not been taking his medicine at the time of his disappearance. Dr. Burton has a son, a sister and an elderly father who would desparately like to have word about him.
If you know anything about the vanishing of Jason Adkins or Dr. Jarrett Burton, please come forward, give these families answers and peace of mind.